This funding database consists of public funding possibilities for IWT projects. Notifications of updates and new possibilities can be send to
Please select a country from the map by clicking on it.
The ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) call for proposals, planned to open in December/January, invites researchers, cities, municipalities, businesses, civil society and other stakeholders to build transnational consortia to create challenge-driven innovation and research projects that address the challenges of sustainable urban passenger mobility, freight, transport and connectivity as integral and essential parts of sustainable urban development. This call is planned to open in December 2019 or January 2020, this page will continously be updated with information on exact dates.
The Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) is a nationwide, technology and industry-open funding program. The aim of the ZIM is to sustainably support the innovative strength and competitiveness of companies, thereby contributing to their growth, together with the creation and safeguarding of jobs.
The Environmental Innovation Program promotes large-scale demonstration projects in Germany for the demonstartion of advanced techniques that avoid or reduce pollution.
Not a subsidy scheme, but information on innovation and subsidies is available. More information through the link under contact points.
Companies or organisations that want to use waterways for the transport of goods and are willing to build quay walls can join the Flemish Waterways in a Public-Private Partnership. The government will finance 80% of the costs of infrastructure. For more information, see the link under contactpoints.
Logistics services development, Port & shipment modernisation
Loans for modal shift measures to rail or to inland waterway transport.
Reduction of air pollution, climate-relevant pollutants, noise and waste
Fleet modernisation, Logistics services development, Port & shipment modernisation
Fleet modernisation, Human resources development, Logistics services development
Restructuring and promotion of inland navigation
Port & shipment modernisation
Development of inland waterway transport
Port & shipment modernisation
Support transport by rail, inland waterways, coastal and short sea shipping
Logistics services development
1. Subsidies can be granted only for projects related to freight transport and logistics, improve air quality. 2. a promotion within the meaning of the first paragraph shall be granted in the form of project funding. 3. subsidies within the meaning of the first paragraph must lead to reduced emissions of air polluting emissions
Fleet modernisation
Stimulate investments in energy saving assets and renewable energy sources
Port & shipment modernisation
Encourage modal shift from road to rail and inland waterways