· The cooperation programme is structured across five priority axes: (1) Innovative and socially responsible Danube region; (2) Environment and culture responsible Danube region; (3) Better connected and energy responsible Danube region; (4) Well governed Danube region; (5) Technical Assistance.
The projects are to be formed following 4 thematic priorities:
In principle the following types of action are supported under the cooperation programme:
85% (up to 100% depending on the country and type of organisations of the beneficiary).
Projects will be selected through open calls for proposals. For more information regarding the individual calls/measures, please consult the Managing authority and the programme website: http://www.interreg-danube.eu/. Potential applicants can check the Applicants Manual of each call for proposals to get more information about the project beneficiaries and other details concerning the DTP projects.
Given its overall budget size, the European Territorial Cooperation programmes (such as DTP) cannot target large-scale investment interventions and consequently major economic impact.
Non-repayable grant