Reducing the environmental impacts of waterway transport by reducing emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants from internal combustion engines and auxiliary motors installed on vessels and by implementing other measures with direct environmental benefits. Increasing the involvement of waterway transport in the multimodal transport chain by making the vessels more competitive, operationally flexible and secure in the context of multimodal transport chain by modernizing them.
Sub-programme 1: Reduction of environmental impacts of waterway transport
Sub-programme 2: Modernisation of vessels to increase multi-modality of freight transport
Sub-programme 3: Modernisation of vessels leading to increased safety of IWT
Sub-programme 1: 85% of the eligible costs
Sub-programme 2 & 3: 85% for small enterprises and 75% for medium-sized enterprises
Further conditions:
All modernisations on a vessel under the aid scheme must not exceed 30% of the price of a new reference vessel (80 millions CZK).
Non-reimbursable direct grant