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EURO VI Engines in Inland Waterway Transport Vessels

- emission reduction, EURO VI, Stage-V

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In 2019, all new engines for inland waterway vessels need to comply with the Stage V emission requirements set by the European Union for Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM). The Stage V requirement limits the emission of Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydrocarbons (HC), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Particulate Matter (PM and Particle Number (PN). Marine engines are categorized by the engine cylinder volume and net engine power. The Stage V marine engine EU requirements correspond with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) marine engine requirements in the United States.

Since 2014, all new engines for road vehicles need to comply with the EURO VI emission requirements set by the European Union for cars and trucks. The engines developed for the vehicle category vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass exceeding 12 tonnes (N3) within the EURO VI requirement are already in compliance with the marine Stage V requirements. According to Ruud Verbeek and Peter van Gompel from TNO:

  • Overall NOx emissions for EURO VI are 4.5 times lower than for Stage V. Particulate Matter emission limits are similar.
  • Test procedures for EURO VI and NRMM Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) are very different, but EURO VI has a large ‘Emission Control Area’ and therefore it is a good basis to fulfil IWT ‘Emission Control Area’ requirements.
  • Ships with Stage V engines will have about equal NOx emissions per container*km or per ton*km, as EURO VI trucks, but ships with EURO VI engines are expected to be more efficient.

Stage V emission standards for engines in inland waterway vessels (IWP & IWA):

Comparison-of-EURO-VI-and-Stage-V-requirements-Ruud-Verbeek-Peter-van-Gompel-TNO.pdf EURO-VI-truck-engines-The-EU-and-the-Dutch-IWT-market-Khalid-Tachi-EICB.pdf Paccar-Euro-VI-truck-engines-in-an-inland-vessel-Sander-Langeberg-Vink-Diesel.pdf
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EIBIP Secretariat
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