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Integrated Transport Operational Programme (ITOP)

 · This programme includes the main transport infrastructure investments. The programme is structured along: (a) Priority axis 1 “Improving international (TEN-T) road accessibility” from the Cohesion Fund; (b) Priority axis 2 “Improving international (TEN-T) railway and waterway accessibility” from the Cohesion Fund; (c) Priority axis 3 “Development of sustainable urban transport and suburban railway accessibility” from the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund; (d) Priority axis 4 “Improving road accessibility of TEN-T network” from the ERDF.

Contact points
Actions able to be supported

In case of waterborne transport (within the specific objective 2.2. Improving the security of Danube navigation) the following actions are to be supported: development addressing the improvement of inland waterway transport, which besides RIS developments, includes the regular updates of electronic navigational charts based on new measurements, introducing the usage of ECDIS, complex development and modernisation of fairway marking system.

Rate of co-financing and conditions

Up to 85% EU co-financing (from ERDF and Cohesion Fund). 15% national contribution.

Other important information

Projects will be selected through open or restricted calls for proposals. For more information regarding the individual calls/measures, please consult the Managing authority.

Title of the instrument
Integrated Transport Operational Programme (ITOP)
Type of aid

Non-repayable grant

Eligible beneficiaries
In the case of waterborne transport projects, the pre-defined beneficiaries are: National Emergency Response and Info-communication Association (RSOE) / the water management directorates responsible for the designation of the Danube waterway (ÉDUVIZIG, KDVVIZIG and ADUVIZIG), and any successors thereof.
Time frame
01/01/2014 - 31/12/2023
Total budget
1,259,035,159.00 EUR is allocated to the priority 2. Total OP budget: 3,919,774,388.00 EUR. Total EU contribution: 3,331,808,225.00 EUR whereas (a) 631,099,276.00 EUR from ERDF; (b) 2,700,708,949.00 EUR from Cohesion Fund.
Legal basis
Commission Impelementing Decision C(2015)947 of 12.2.2015 approving certain elements of the operational programme "Integrated Transport"
Usefull links
Website of the Managing authority "Ministry of National Development"
EC Regional Policy website - Hungarian ITOP